



Welcome to AEP

Welcome to the Association for Energy Professionals (AEP).

We are a vibrant and diverse community of professionals from across the Energy industry dedicated to connecting, networking and collaborating to address major challenges facing the energy industry today.

In 2016, the Arab Association of Petroleum Professionals (AAPP) was established under the Abu Dhabi Global Market Authority. However, the association has recently undergone a name change to better cater to its diverse membership and offer a more comprehensive range of services. Now known as the Arab Association of Energy Professionals (AEP), our primary objective is to foster a supportive environment for all energy sector members in the Middle East, allowing them to share knowledge, expertise, resources and perspectives with one another. We aim to unite all professionals in this field under one banner and ensure they have access to the resources and knowledge necessary to create a positive impact on the industry.

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+44 (888) 12 345

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Disciplines We Cover

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Downstream Oil and Gas

Downstream Oil and Gas

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Midstream Oil and Gas

Midstream Oil and Gas

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Upstream Oil and Gas

Upstream Oil and Gas

Recent Documents

Enjoy a pleasure that annoying consequences.

Interesting Facts



Why Join Us?

Whether you’re a seasoned energy industry veteran or just getting your feet wet in the industry, we invite you to join us to create a brighter future for the energy industry and to help build an empowered energy future. As a member of the Association for Energy Professionals you will


•     Be surrounded by passionate individuals from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, providing invaluable opportunities to grow and collaborate with like-minded professionals. 

•  You will have access to industry-focused resources and educational activities that can help you find the answers and solutions to the challenges you are facing in your field.

  • •   Through the dedicated connections and collaborations made within the community, you can develop your career in the energy industry and have a unique and positive experience building your network. 

•    With networking events, panels, lectures and seminars held regularly, you will stay informed of the most relevant industry news, current trends and newest innovations. 

• Moreover, you can have access to special projects and volunteer opportunities, which will provide you with hands-on experience and new ideas that can drive industry change.


With the support of like-minded and passionate people from the Association for Energy Professionals, we can all make an impact in our industry. Whether you are an experienced veteran, we have something to offer you.